Tuesday, October 17, 2006

you are my sweetest downfall

I first heard the fantasticlly fun Regina Spektor on Grey's Anatomy Season 1. Which, by the way, plays the best music. Since then Ms. Spektor has seemed to be everywhere. I was shocked to see her video for Fidelity on VH1 the other day, but that's how the story goes I suppose.

All over the internet I have seen Regina labeled as "anti-folk." The ever amazing Wikipedia describes anti-folk as a a genre of music related to punk rock and American folk music that originated in the mid-1980s in New York City. You learn something new everyday!

Her music is a mixture of pop, folk, and a splash of punk. Her newest release Begin to Hope is getting praise all over the internet. It's full of fun piano rock. You can't not love Regina....she's totally out there, and it works fabulously. I think you will dig this one.

Video for Fidelity: (which I'm sure you will be seeing more often)

Keep it up Regina, we love you.

On The Radio



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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shley, I am so excited that you posted Regina Spektor. I have been looking for On The Radio after it being on my soundtrack at work last month. However, the mp3 of On the Radio that you posted is like a 15 min blend of that song as well as Queen and something else. Could you repost just the On The Radio file again?


l i z

9:34 PM  

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