Saturday, October 21, 2006

every piece glows for love

Nizlopi is one of my favorite groups I disovered in the last year. While they're only a 2-piece band, Luke & John make music that is fun for everyone! Their CD Half These Songs Are About You first came out in the UK all the way back in 2004, and their precious song "JCB" was a huge hit over there.

While they're not big over here, and probably won't be any time soon, they make fun, simple music that's easy to listen to. Their current single out in the UK is "Girls" and along with it, a beautifully produced video:

Beyond the tunes, they seem like 2 really sweet guys who love making music together. You can't not love them.

A few tracks from Half These Songs Are About You:



(pretty much the cutest song ever)

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